Primary Text: Kundu & Cohen (= K), Fluid Mechanics (>3rd ed., Academic Press)
Continuum hypothesis. Transport laws. Forces on fluid elements. Equilibrium. Thermodynamics
Particle paths, streamlines, streaklines. Eulerian & Lagrangian approaches. Mass conservation and streamfunction. Vorticity, circulation. Relative motion near a point.
Inviscid Euler's equations. Vorticity equation. Bernoulli equation. Stress tensor. Navier-Stokes equations. More vorticity. Rotating frame. Mechanical energy. Thermal energy. Boussinesq equations.
2-D potential flows: inviscid and irrotational. Cauchy-Riemann conditions; Laplace's equation. Complex analytic functions as generators of simple potential flows. Superpose simple flow building blocks. Flow past circular cylinders; circulation added. Forces on bodies; lift and circulation. Conformal mapping: flat plates to circles to wings that fly. Phenomenology of flow separation.
Surface and interfacial gravity waves, irrotational; deep and shallow water waves. Linearization involved in posing the problem. Internal gravity waves. Phase velocity, group velocity and dispersion relations. Wave energy fluxes. Nonlinear wave steepening; hydraulic jumps. Barotropic and baroclinic modes.
Scale analysis; dynamic similarity. Concept of viscous boundary layers and inviscid external flows.
Exact solutions of steady plane-parallel flows, Couette and Poiseuille. Unsteady impulsive flows. Flow due to oscillating plate.
Boundary-layer concepts; scaling and approximate equations. Self-similar solutions; Blasius boundary layer on a plate; 2-D jets. Separation of boundary layers. Boundary layers as singular perturbation problem. Ekman boundary layers in rotating system. Ekman pumping and spindown.
Instability treated as a linear perturbation, including the effects of rotation. Onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection as an linear instability problem. Kelvin-Helmholtz shear instability. Nonlinear equilibration of motions. Dynamical systems treatment by Lorentz and transitions to chaos. Basic concepts and properties of turbulence.